Check out these everyday new mom essentials that you will actually use in your day-to-day life!
As a first-time mom, there are some new mom essentials you should have in your home at all times. These items will help make your life a little bit easier and can be used for various purposes. From diapers and wipes to a good vacuum cleaner and stain remover, make sure you have these in your house at all times as a new mom!
New Mom Essentials
The internet will tell you that you need a lot of things for your newborn. But in reality, you don’t need too much. Just a few new mom essentials and you will be set! So don’t waste your money on anything you don’t need. Just make sure you have the essentials and you are good to go.
Diapers and Wipes
All new moms are going to need diapers and wipes. It is inevitable. You can pick up disposable diapers or cloth diapers. Feel free to use throw-away wipes or reusable ones.
You can even try both to see what works for you and your lifestyle. My favorite tip is to purchase diapers of all sizes during your pregnancy whenever you find them on sale. I know when mine were little, I didn’t use a lot of newborn sizes, but a lot of 1s and 2s!
Formula or Breastmilk Bags
This will really depend on you and your feeding preferences, but every baby needs to be fed. You can pick up the formula, maybe hypoallergenic formula, or some breastmilk bags if you plan to pump.
What you don’t need is a fancy baby formula maker. You know the ones that I’m talking about right. They look like a baby Keurig for bottles. Honestly, they are pretty cool but not a new mom essential.
Simple Baby Shirts
Look, I know that there are a lot of super cute baby clothes out there, but you really don’t NEED them. Personally, I hated onesies. They were really annoying when it came to diaper changes, so my kids lived in simple shirts and little pants and shorts for the first year or more of their lives.
All of those super expensive baby clothes will fit for a day. They will grow out of them quickly and get messed up fast. Just stick with the basics until the kids are older.
Car Seat
Of course, you are going to need a car seat. This is one area where I will tell you not to be cheap. Buy a nice one that will last you for a long time.
I got a convertible seat and my son used it from birth to 5 years old! It grew with him and I never had to buy a new one.
Something to Sleep In
You don’t need the most expensive crib. You honestly don’t even need a technical crib! Your baby just needs something safe to sleep in.
A crib, bassinette, even a pack-n-play. Get something that works with your budget and your lifestyle and roll with it.
Newborn Essentials
Honestly, that is about all you need. Babies, especially newborns, don’t require much in the way of stuff. Just get the basics, save your money, and do what feels right!
As a mom, it’s essential to have the essentials on hand. From diapers and wipes to a good vacuum cleaner and stain remover, make sure you’re prepared for anything by having these in your home!

Jessi is the creative mind behind The Coffee Mom, a popular blog that combines parenting advice, travel tips, and a love for all things Disney. As a trusted Disney influencer and passionate storyteller, Jessi’s authentic insights and relatable content resonate with readers worldwide.