If you have been around the blogging world for any amount of time, you have probably heard about the works media kit and rate sheet. Really though, what is a media kit? Do you really need one? What about a rate sheet? How do I even come up with my rates? These are some of the questions that I see every day from influencers, and I am here to tell you everything you need to know about media kits and rate sheets!
All About Media Kits and Rate Sheets
When I first started blogging, well over a year ago, I went in headfirst with no prior knowledge about the industry. It was all so new and exciting, but also a bit intimidating as well! People were using words I had never heard of before and I tended to get lost in Google searches trying to find the right information. Some of the biggest questions I had, and that a lot of newer influencers seem to have as well, are all about media kits and rate sheets. They sound intimidating, but I promise they are actually super simple once you get the basic understanding!
What Is A Media Kit?
So, what is a media kit? It is basically a blogger’s resume! Simple enough, right!? What I think is so much fun about media kits is that they can be colorful, fun, and unique. A traditional resume is very plain, yet professional, but blogging is a creative industry and media kits are creative as well! Just because they are creative though, does not mean that they aren’t professional. You want your kit to be clean, easily legible, and concise.
What Should Be On My Media Kit?
You want your media kit to let potential business partners know what you are all about, but you don’t want it to be too wordy. When creating your first media kit, you will want to include a few key elements. First, you want to include your social stats. You also will want to have your demographics on there as well. Your kit will need a short and sweet bio, as well as a paragraph about your blog. You can see mine as a reference right here!
As you can see, I have those key points that I mentioned above, along with a few extras. I like having examples of photos as well as a few of the companies I have worked with in the past. This media kit was made in Canva, for free! I used the resume template and just went on from there! It was really surprisingly simple, and fun to do! Now all I have to do is update it once in a while.
When Do I Send A Media Kit?
Honestly, you probably won’t be sending one out very often. It is pretty rare that I email mine out, and companies don’t typically ask for one. I have had companies ask in the past though, so it is nice to have one on hand!
What About A Rate Sheet?
I keep my rate sheet separate from my media kit. Again, I don’t send it out often but I do use it more than my media kit itself. You can see an example of one of mine below.
As you can see, it is almost the same as my media kit. The same layout was made in Canva again, but I created package options for businesses to choose from. Now, these are obviously flexible, easy to customize, and I can work with any budget. I make sure to let brands who request a rate sheet know that if they want to create their own package, they are more than welcome to do so and we will discuss the budget. I have had brands simply pick a package, and I have also had them try to negotiate.
When it comes to sending your rate sheet, don’t send it in the first email. You will want to talk with the brand representative, pitch them your idea(s), and get them hooked on you and your brand. THEN you will want to start discussing prices. Don’t just start talking about money right off the bat, that will run people off quick! Get them wanting you and invested in your ideas first. That way you are much more likely to negotiate the pay you want and deserve!
How Do I Set Rates?
Your rates are unique, and only you can decide what you think is a fair price for your work. I like to use Social Bluebook as a guideline though. While I don’t usually go completely by their recommendations, I do take their numbers into account. When deciding on your own prices, you have to think about how much time you will be putting into a campaign! Does it include video, editing, post-approval, live content, extra photos…. the list can go on, but you get the point? Your time is worth a lot more than you think it is, so don’t sell yourself short!
So there you have it! All you need to know about media kits and rate sheets. Now it is time to get out there and start pitching your ideas to companies!

Jessi is the creative mind behind The Coffee Mom, a popular blog that combines parenting advice, travel tips, and a love for all things Disney. As a trusted Disney influencer and passionate storyteller, Jessi’s authentic insights and relatable content resonate with readers worldwide.
How To Work With Disney World As An Influencer
Wednesday 21st of June 2023
[…] Pitch: When reaching out to Disney, it’s crucial to present a compelling pitch. Share your media kit, showcasing your previous work and audience reach. Clearly outline your idea for the blog post or […]
How To Work With Disney World As An Influencer — The Coffee Mom
Wednesday 5th of August 2020
[…] I had done this, I sent over my media kit for them to review and told them what my idea was for a post that I would write on my blog. It only […]
How To Work With Disney World As An Influencer — The Coffee Mom
Sunday 8th of September 2019
[…] look at and it will let you know exactly what you need to do. When I had done this, I sent over my media kit for them to review and told them what my idea was for a post that I would write on my blog. It only […]
Tuesday 18th of December 2018
When companies reach out to me I never send a media kit because obviously they have seen my work to wanna work with me.. I just never know what my rates are :/ I always look at the brand prices of the things their selling then cut the prices in half of what they want me to promote
Wednesday 18th of April 2018
This is very helpful. Just finished my media kit. Apparently, I missed out some key points. I don't have a rate sheet yet (now I know what it looks like). It's like asking me 'what's my price? or howmuch is my worth?'. lol