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4 Common Pregnancy Mistakes To Avoid

Expecting a baby comes with great excitement and anticipation, especially if it’s your first time. Indeed, pregnancy can offer health benefits worth considering. It inhibits your risk of developing breast cancer while reducing menstrual cramps. Although postpartum depression isn’t unusual, you’ll find your mood stabilized, along with surges of love when you hold your baby. Despite these, it’s pretty normal for newly expectant mothers to be clueless about taking care of and preparing themselves during and after pregnancy. Here’s what to avoid if you’re expecting your baby soon. 

4 Common Pregnancy Mistakes To Avoid

4 Common Pregnancy Mistakes To Avoid

Skipping exercise 

Pregnant women often skip exercise due to various reasons. While some feel too tired to exert their bodies, others are afraid to hurt themselves or their babies. However, exercising during your pregnancy is essential and beneficial. It improves your heart health and stamina while preparing you for labor and delivery. It also eases pelvic and back pain and lowers your blood pressure. According to the ACOG, exercise can reduce your risks of preterm birth, excess weight gain, Cesarean birth, etc. If you find it challenging to sleep properly or are quite moody, regular exercise is what you need. 

It’s important to choose suitable workouts to achieve the best results. For instance, cardiovascular activities like swimming, jogging, walking, and stationary cycling are perfect for all pregnancy stages. Experts advise that you exercise three to five times weekly, as overdoing it can cause fatigue, dizziness, and headaches. You also want to avoid workouts that require you to twist or compress your spine, torso, or abdomen, so keep this in mind. Avoid heavyweights in your third trimester to prevent injuries, and drink water to stay hydrated. 

Common Pregnancy Mistakes To Avoid

Buying too many things 

Admittedly, you feel the need to get the best things for your baby, causing you to overstock on supplies. However, this may be more harmful than beneficial. You risk wasting money on items you don’t need. Moreover, your baby will eventually grow out of them, and you’ll find yourself dealing with excess clutter. Therefore, it’s important to resist the feeling of splurging on baby items. Instead, stock up on the bare essentials. For instance, babies cannot fully appreciate an overly extravagant crib, room decorations, etc. Therefore, it’s best to invest in simpler and functional options for the best results. 

It’s also essential to create an items checklist to ensure you’re not spending more than necessary. Newborn-sized clothes may look cute, but your baby will soon grow out of them. So, it’s more cost-effective to buy bigger clothes, as your kid will soon grow into them. Depending on your requirements, you can also invest in two strollers. For instance, if you’re expecting twins, it’s prudent to research various twin stroller features to make a more informed decision. You’ll also find it helpful to research what important baby items to get to help you create a more accurate checklist and prevent impulse buying. 

Pregnancy Mistakes To Avoid

Not preparing yourself for post-birth 

Admittedly, buying your baby items is an important aspect of preparing for life after birth. However, there’s more to post-birth than that. A Lansinoh survey indicated that 92% of new mothers were unprepared for post-birth activities like breastfeeding, lack of sleep, mental health concerns, and physical recovery.

Perhaps, you don’t have an idea of how to bathe, swaddle or breastfeed your child. It becomes important to learn how to do these things before your baby comes to make it easier for both you and the baby. Fortunately, the internet is filled with helpful resources on these issues, so feel free to leverage it. Make sure you speak to your obstetrician as well, as one who is not a negligent obstetrician will be able to give you excellent post-birth care advice. 

Also, you shouldn’t be alarmed if you feel sad after giving birth, as postpartum depression is normal. However, getting information beforehand will help you prepare should you experience it. For instance, you’d know that eating meals rich in omega-3 fatty acids during pregnancy can reduce your risks of developing postpartum depression. Also, pampering yourself and staying in the sun can boost your mood, so keep this in mind. You want to be sure to prioritize your mental health during this time, so hiring a postpartum nanny through a service like AyiConnect would be a good idea to help take the load off yourself after birth.

Your belly will still be a little bit bigger after childbirth, so you might feel weird. Your body will not heal back to how it was pre-pregnancy soon, but there are ways to help it heal faster. Belly-binding after childbirth is one of those. This will help you avoid or solve problems like a weak pelvic floor, and take advantage of your body’s natural healing process.

Not preparing yourself for post-birth 

Not prioritizing oral care 

It’s no news that pregnancy makes women more susceptible to cavities and periodontal disease. A CDC survey indicates that approximately 60% to 75% of pregnant women have gingivitis, which can be problematic if left untreated. Also, periodontitis is linked to pregnancy complications like low birth weight and preterm birth. Seeing these risks, you’ll be compromising your health and your baby’s if you aren’t keen on your oral health. It’s essential to brush twice daily with fluoride toothpaste like colgate duraphat 2800 and visit your dentist regularly. You also want to limit your sugary foods and drinks, so keep this in mind. 

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