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How to Maintain Your Air Conditioner: 6 Things to Know

Staying cool during the hot summer months can be challenging, but with proper air conditioner maintenance, you can keep yourself and your family comfortable all season long. Whether you have an old window unit or a brand-new central air system, there are some critical steps to ensure it runs efficiently and safely. We’ll explore six key things to know about maintaining your air conditioner. From changing filters regularly to cleaning the coils properly and more, we’ll provide tips on how to get the most out of your cooling system for years to come. So please read on for our comprehensive guide on maintaining your air conditioner!

Air Conditioner Maintenance Tips

Air Conditioner Maintenance Tips

Schedule Professional Services and Inspections

Scheduling regular service and maintenance with a qualified HVAC technician is the best way to ensure your air conditioner is running optimally. The technician can inspect the system for potential issues, change filters, check refrigerant levels, and more. Most AC manufacturers recommend scheduling a tune-up every spring before the cooling season starts to maximize efficiency and avoid costly repairs. By contacting quality AC service professionals, you can rest assured that your system will have the proper care it needs to last for years. And, of course, if you’re having any issues with your AC, don’t hesitate to contact a technician for help.

Replace or Clean Air Filters Regularly

Air filters play an important role in keeping your air conditioner running smoothly, as they trap dust, allergens, and other airborne particles that would otherwise end up in the system. However, when the filter becomes clogged or dirty, it can cause airflow problems, reducing efficiency and increasing wear on components. Depending on the filter you have installed (disposable or reusable), replace or clean it regularly according to manufacturer specifications. Some might need to be replaced monthly, while others can go as long as six months.

Clean the Coils and Condensate Drain Line

The condenser coils on your air conditioner are responsible for releasing heat from inside your home. Still, when dirt, dust, and debris build up on the surface of the coils, it can cause blockages that impede the flow of air and reduce efficiency. To keep them clean, use a soft-bristled brush or vacuum cleaner to remove any visible dirt before spraying them with an approved coil cleaning solution. Additionally, checking the condensate drain line regularly is essential to ensure it is clear of clogs or blockages. This line carries away excess moisture from your system, so having a blockage can cause water damage and other issues.

How to Maintain Your Air Conditioner 6 Things to Know

Check the Thermostat Settings

It may seem like a no-brainer, but regularly checking the thermostat settings on your air conditioner is another crucial step to maintaining efficiency. Ensure it’s set to the appropriate temperature for cooling and that there aren’t any odd settings or programs enabled that could be causing problems. If you have a programmable thermostat, ensure it is up-to-date with the right time and day of the week to regulate temperatures throughout your home correctly. 

Clear Debris from Around Outdoor Unit

The outdoor unit of your air conditioner works hard during the hot summer months, but debris such as leaves, dirt, and grass can get in the way of airflow and reduce efficiency. To keep your system running smoothly, clear away any debris that may have accumulated around the unit and trim any plants or bushes that may be blocking airflow. Make sure to also check for signs of animal nesting or burrowing, as this can be a fire hazard if not taken care of.

Check Refrigerant Levels

Your air conditioner’s refrigerant is responsible for cooling down hot air, so it’s essential to make sure it is at the right level to ensure optimal performance and energy efficiency. Unfortunately, due to leaks or other issues, levels can drop over time, leading to more frequent repairs and higher energy bills. To avoid problems, have a technician come out and check the refrigerant levels at least once a year to ensure they are at the right level. If not, they can top it off or repair any leaks to get your system back on track. 

Air Conditioner Maintenance


Regularly servicing and maintaining your air conditioner is essential for keeping it running efficiently throughout the summer months. Keeping up with regular maintenance tasks such as replacing or cleaning filters, clearing debris from around the outdoor unit, checking thermostat settings, cleaning coils and condensate drain lines, and checking refrigerant levels can help keep your system in tip-top shape. By taking care of these tasks on a yearly basis you can ensure that your air conditioner will be running smoothly for years to come.

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