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3 Signs You Have a Plumbing Leak in Your Yard- and What To Do About It

Are you curious if you have a plumbing leak in your yard? Have you noticed that your water bill is astronomically high but aren’t sure why?

Leaks can cause water damage and other costly problems, so it’s important to address them as soon as possible. And if it is something you can’t take care of on your own, maybe it’s time to type plumbers near me in your Google search bar. But first, here are three signs you have a plumbing leak and what to do about them.

Signs You Have a Plumbing Leak

What Is a Plumbing Leak, and How Do You Know if You Have One in Your Yard?

Most of our water systems run underneath our yard, and if there happens to be a leak in these water systems, it can be very expensive, especially if they are not addressed quickly. Plumbing leaks can be caused by various things such as blockages in the pipes, faulty pipes, damaged pipes, and just wear and tear.

Once you notice it, you should fix it as soon as possible. This plumbing can get very expensive because it is in your yard, and they will have to dig to reach the pipes. It is not as simple as repairing something in your house, but it is necessary. Not only should you fix plumbing leaks as soon as you notice them, but you should also do whatever you can to avoid them.

For starters, plastic threaded elbows and tees are better options than metal ones. Instead of using adhesive tape, use neoprene or PVC rubber joints because they’re more corrosion-resistant

What Is a Plumbing Leak, and How Do You Know if You Have One in Your Yard

The 3 Most Common Signs That You Have a Plumbing Leak in Your Yard

The first sign you will notice is a puddle of water appearing in your yard for no reason. If it hasn’t been raining and your yard isn’t prone to forming puddles in the rain, this is one of the first signs that will tell you about a leak. These puddles are excess water gathering when it has nowhere else to go, and this is typically when that yard is already waterlogged.

The second sign you will see is if the soil around your home’s foundation is wet and soggy all the time. This soil should dry out during the day and should not consistently be wet and soggy. If you are concerned about a leak, pay attention to these areas.

The final sign is if your grass is dying or turning brown for no apparent reason. Grass does not only die or turn brown if it has too little water. This can also happen if it receives too much water. If your grass starts drying for no apparent reason, check for a plumbing leak.   

The 3 Most Common Signs That You Have a Plumbing Leak in Your Yard

What To Do if You Think You Have a Plumbing Leak in Your Yard

Once you have noticed a plumbing leak in your yard, there are a few things you should be doing to sort it out. First, find the leak’s source and determine whether or not it is an emergency. If it is, call a plumber to fix it as soon as possible.

Keep people and pets away from the leak until it is fixed. Once fixed, monitor the situation and see whether or not the leak comes back. If your lawn is a mess after the leak has been fixed, call a lawn services provider to make it look as great as it used to before the defect.

What To Do if You Think You Have a Plumbing Leak in Your Yard

How To Prevent Plumbing Leaks From Happening in the First Place

Before the leaks even start, there are a few ways to prevent them from happening in the first place. Start by inspecting your system regularly for any signs of wear and tear. Make sure a professional plumber comes in and does a tune-up once a year.

Make sure to tighten all the connectors and fitting on your plumbing, especially those often used, such as taps and shower heads, and place strainers over all of your drains to catch debris before it has a chance to clog up and pipes.

The Benefits of Having a Plumbing Leak Detection System Installed in Your Home

One of the greatest ways to prevent leaks or catch them before they become a problem is to install a leak detection system in your home. As the name suggests, these systems are in place to detect leaks.  Typically, people use them because they can detect leaks early on and save money on your water bill. It can also help to prevent water damage to your home. These systems can be installed in just a few hours and offer you years of safety from leaks.

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The Most Important Home Maintenance Tips To Help You Protect Your Home — The Coffee Mom

Wednesday 29th of March 2023

[…] absolutely essential that you never ignore the signs of a leak, as the effects such an occurrence can have on your home is a real disaster. Leaks can come in many […]

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