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How To Cope With Hyperactive Children

Many children exhibit lots of energy, which fuels their curiosity and the need to explore their surroundings. Upon a careful look, however, you will notice a sharp discrepancy in these activity levels among children. Some have unusually high levels, which is the subject of this discussion. There are about 6 million hyperactive children in the US, and they range from 3 – 17 years. It’s important to embrace and support these qualities to make them feel loved and accepted. It’s time to delve into some coping tips if you must care for a hyperactive child.

Establish order and routine

This step involves a more home-friendly approach rather than an entirely strict one to establish structure and organization. Implementing a framework that enables a hyperactive child to feel comfortable is important. The last thing you want to do is to stifle their energy because that can backfire in more ways than you can imagine. Order creates the much-needed setting that helps a hyperactive child follow a routine and enjoy doing it. For example, create designated times for eating, studying, playtime, resting, and so on. Doing this helps the child to appreciate the process of things. Before you know it, they will understand that activities follow each other orderly. More importantly, they will learn to be patient as they wait for one activity to end before the next one begins. Some parents find it easier to employ visual or auditory aids to represent schedules and routines. You can use colorful charts or timers to do this, and the purpose of establishing order at home can still be achieved. Pediatric research discovered that hyperactive children are more likely to focus in a home with order than without it. 

Simplify complex instructions

Most children find complex instructions too cumbersome, and hyperactive minors are no different. The only difference is that some children easily overcome this challenge while others may need additional help. That involves avoiding communicating complex directions to a hyperactive child. The chances of not following through with complex instructions are higher. How do you break down complex directives in the first place? It begins with using simple and clear language when speaking with the child. Straightforward instructions are less likely to be misunderstood, which makes them more ideal. As part of breaking these down, remember to simplify the task you want your hyperactive child to complete. Include visual cues to aid comprehension and to make your child more willing to follow through with the instruction. 

Additionally, avoid giving more than one directive in a single sentence. That is a principal guiding point when you commence this strategy. However, you can proceed to two-liners when your child shows great promise with one-line instructions. The tip is to avoid speeding up the process when your child is still getting used to processing simple instructions.

Reduce distractions

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Having order at home does not necessarily ensure the absence of distractions. However, making it your business to reduce distractions as much as possible will have better outcomes because there is a direct focus on the subject. Distractions can worsen hyperactivity symptoms and subsequently hinder concentration. You do not want this for a child with whom you have already made significant progress. Creating an environment with minimized distractions involves a clutter-free environment. Auditory distractions are not the only things to be worried about because visual elements can be equally disturbing, if not more. It is particularly important during homework or study times. There are situations where noise-canceling headphones would be useful, so keep this in mind. In the absence of that, calming background music can help mask potential distractions likely to exacerbate hyperactive symptoms.

Medical assistance

Medical assistance may be needed to manage the symptoms in some cases of extreme hyperactivity. It is usually the last resort when every other intervention has failed to produce desirable outcomes. Before you do, however, it would be best to consult a child psychologist or pediatrician to confirm if medication is needed. Sometimes, in desperation to quickly control your child’s hyperactivity symptoms, you resort to the most obvious medication. Going on that tangent is not a bad idea, but exploring different avenues first is better. To make matters even worse, many children hate the idea of medications and will do anything to avoid swallowing one. Fortunately, manufacturers understand this and continue to make innovations in ADHD management. If you must resort to medications, how about trying out nutritional supplements purposely created to feed the brain’s nutritional needs? As you’ll find with options like Accentrate ADHD gummy for kids, the objective is to address symptoms by focusing on emotional dysregulation and imbalances responsible for hyperactivity flare-ups.

Make immense use of positive reinforcement

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This strategy works well in many behavioral change settings. People naturally respond positively to praise and rewards. It’s, therefore, unsurprising that it works with hyperactive children. Recognize and celebrate your child’s progress or achievements without holding back. It’s easy to think that the little progress your child makes doesn’t deserve a mention, but research has shown that it’s a wrong perspective to have. No matter how small those achievements are, celebrating them boosts your child’s self-esteem and confidence.  Parents need to adopt the habit of making positive reinforcements, especially where these children are concerned. 

Hyperactive children are incredibly intuitive, so giving genuine praise and encouragement is essential. The more authentic your positive reinforcements are, the higher the chances of them wanting to do more. This strategy is highly effective, so do not overlook incorporating it in your daily strategies with your hyperactive child. There are several talks of children growing out of their hyperactivity, but the truth is that ADHD never goes away. What is worth mentioning is that the symptoms may lessen or emerge only in specific situations during adulthood. Before that time, you have many opportunities to create memories with your growing child. The tips discussed here can help you cope with your hyperactive child and create the best environment for them to thrive.

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