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Can You Lower Energy Bills in Winter?

Lower energy bills might seem like something of a dream at the moment. But it is possible to reduce how much you use that impacts your statement. There is no magic solution that can reset your costs to 2021 levels, but things like insulation and alternative heating can help.

low-maintenance home

At Home Renewable Energy

Renewable energy use is a solid and reliable way to drastically reduce how much energy your home uses. Of course, there are installation costs, and this can put some people off. However, Solarise offers a guide to solar panel installation, and you can check if you are eligible for residential solar panel installation with no upfront costs. Don’t worry about winter. Solar panels don’t need heat from the sun, just sunlight, which is stored for energy use later on.

Lower Energy Bills with Insulation

One of the best improvements you can make to your home for reduced energy usage is insulation. Insulation keeps cold air out and warm air inside. You can install it in the walls and the attic. It needs to be checked every 15 years or so, but it can last for around 80 years when done right. Around a quarter of the heat from your home can be lost because of poor insulation. So, while it’s an initial cost upfront, the further savings it can provide are well worth the cost.

Find Your Perfect Temperature

Everyone feels the cold differently, and you can even get used to a lower temperature. Most people agree that a comfortable home is between 19°C and 22°C. However, a higher temperature will cost more. Using your thermostat to find the sweet spot is the best way to lower your usage. With a temperature set, the thermostat will keep your home at this level, and the heating will only switch on when it needs to, keeping your home at a constant desired level.

Focus on the Radiators

The radiators are the devices that keep you warm in most homes with a central heating system. Installing new ones as part of a home renovation can help, but all it takes is some maintenance:

  • Buy a very cheap radiator key to bleed the radiators and resettle the air.
  • Install thermostatic valves to control the heat of each individual radiator.
  • Clean dust and debris from behind the radiators that can cause blockages.
  • Ensure the radiators are free of obstructions, such as household furniture.
  • Check for cold spots on radiators to determine if they need rebalancing.

Keeping the radiators in good working order ensures your home heats up as fast as possible. This reduces how much work the furnace or boiler has to do, resulting in lowered energy usage.

Check for Drafty Gaps

Small gaps in your home can be surprisingly bad for the heat of your home. The tiniest crack can let a stream of air inside that works against your heating and costs more money. Some of the worst culprits are around the window and door frames and underneath doors. It’s easy to fix these with caulking, sealant, floor brushes, or draft excluders. None of these are expensive and can work very well at preventing cold air from coming in and warmer air from getting out.

Heat the Human to Lower Energy Bills

A warm home is a nice thing to have. But it is getting expensive to heat. In the UK, in 2022, it was revealed that over 3 million homes in England alone experienced fuel poverty. This is when people can’t afford to heat their homes. Today, there are some excellent devices you can use to stay warm. Heating the human is a concept around keeping yourself warm rather than the home. Electric blankets, thermal clothing, and personal electrical heaters are examples.

Layer Up Your Clothing

Sometimes, there is just a chill in the air, even when your home is being heated. This can make you feel colder than you actually are as cold air settles on your body. As a result, you may be forced to turn up the heat, but this will cost you more money. A simple solution is to layer your clothing. Tight underlayers combined with loose and thick clothing trap warm air between them. This keeps you nice and warm, which is great when you need to work from home all day. 


Using renewable solutions like solar panels can help you lower energy bills during winter. It also helps to maintain a constant comfy temperature and maintain the radiators. You can keep warm with layered clothing and using personal heating devices such as electric blankets.

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