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Can Parents Play Occupational Therapy Games with Kids at Home? A Guide to At-Home Therapy Activities

Occupational therapy (OT) is a critical component of many children’s development and healthcare, providing the necessary tools and techniques for improving various motor skills, cognitive abilities, and sensory processing issues. Parents often seek ways to support their children’s development from the comfort of their homes. Fortunately, engaging in occupational therapy activities at home is a viable option, allowing parents to take an active role in their child’s therapy. Incorporating play into therapy invites an element of fun while working on therapeutic goals, resulting in a non-stressful learning environment for the child.

The notion of play in therapy is far from frivolous. It serves as a natural and effective medium for children to explore their capabilities and push their boundaries in a safe and comfortable setting. Through well-selected occupational therapy activities, children can improve their fine motor skills, strengthen their sensory integration, and build upon their problem-solving skills. It is important to recognize that parents are their children’s first teachers, and with the right activities and approach, they can significantly contribute to their children’s progress.

Conducting therapy at home does not have to be a daunting task for parents. There are occupational therapy activities that do not even require any equipment or additional materials but can be effective in helping children enhance their functional abilities. These activities range from simple daily tasks to more structured play-based exercises designed to meet individual therapeutic goals. By engaging in these activities regularly, parents can facilitate a nurturing and encouraging environment that positively impacts their child’s growth and independence.

How to Make Tough Decisions as a Mom

Engaging in Home-Based Occupational Therapy

Embarking on home-based occupational therapy programs, parents can take an active role in their child’s developmental progress. Through carefully selected activities, children can learn and develop skills within the comfort of their own homes.

The Role of Parents in Pediatric OT

Parents are often the primary facilitators of pediatric occupational therapy (OT) at home. They provide the essential support that helps children engage in therapeutic play, which can be particularly beneficial for developmental delay, autism, and sensory processing disorders. Home-based OT empowers parents to integrate therapeutic exercises into everyday routines, thereby encouraging continuous learning and development.

Understanding OT and Its Importance

Occupational therapy at home is tailored to help children with various needs achieve age-appropriate skills and reach their full potential. By understanding its importance, parents can better support their child’s occupational development. Home-based OT activities often include the use of toys, puzzles, and books to aid in cognitive and motor skills growth, learning through play, and to address specific conditions such as cerebral palsy.

Selecting Appropriate OT Activities for Home

Selecting the right OT activities is crucial for effective home therapy. Activities should be customized to the child’s individual needs and can range from simple sensory-based exercises to more complex tasks. Here are some examples:

  • For sensory processing: Use textured materials and sensory bins
  • For fine motor skills: Practice with beads or pegboards
  • For coordination: Set up obstacle courses or play catch

When incorporating occupational therapy activities at home, parents ensure their children have the opportunity to progress in an environment where they feel safe and loved.

Practical Occupational Therapy Games and Exercises

Occupational therapy at home can be both effective and enjoyable for children to develop vital life skills. This section explores games and exercises that parents can easily implement to bolster their child’s development across several areas.

Exercises to Enhance Fine Motor Skills

Fine motor skills are crucial for tasks like writing and buttoning clothes. These exercises help improve children’s dexterity and hand-eye coordination. Bear hugs, as suggested, involve wrapping arms around the chest or knees for proprioceptive feedback, and can also serve as a calming activity. Playing with squeeze putty or dough helps children develop grip strength.

  • Squeezing Putty or Play-Dough: Enhances grip strength, dexterity, and hand muscles.
  • Crafting with Beads or Threading: Promotes hand-eye coordination and precision.

Exercises to Improve Gross Motor Skills and Core Strength

Gross motor skills are necessary for larger movements and overall physical coordination. Core strength is essential for stability and balance. Animal walks, like bear crawls or crab walks, are playful ways to build these skills.

  • Animal Walks: Encourage control and muscle development through imitation of various animals.
  • Yoga Poses: Improve balance and core strength, while instilling confidence and focus.

Sensory Play and Sensory Diet Activities

Sensory play can address issues related to sensory processing disorders by providing appropriate sensory input. A well-structured sensory diet can assist with self-regulation and anxiety, contributing to a better quality of life.

  • Sensory Bins: Offer a variety of tactile experiences, promoting sensory integration.
  • Heavy Work Activities: Provide the necessary sensory input to help with attention and behavior.

Cognitive and Social Skills Development Games

Developing cognitive and social skills is critical for a child’s social-emotional development, problem-solving, and independence. Using therapy games that blend learning with play can make this process more engaging.

  • Uno and Card Games: Foster executive functioning skills by requiring players to focus, make decisions, and understand rules.
  • Pretend Play: Boosts social skills, creativity, and motor planning through imaginative scenarios.


Occupational therapy games at home enable parents to actively engage in their child’s development. These activities can contribute to improvements in a variety of areas such as physical dexterity, cognitive acuity, and emotional growth. They offer a tailored approach to support children in reaching their potential in a familiar and comfortable setting. The techniques and principles provided by professionals empower families to incorporate therapeutic play into daily routines effectively.

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